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Types Reference


type AsfResultError = { type: "error"; status: ErrorStatus };

AsfResultError is a type that represents an Astro Superforms Action error result.


type AsfResultFailure<INPUT extends ZodType = ZodType, MESSAGE = any> = {
type: "failure";
status: ErrorStatus;
data: { form: SuperValidated<Infer<INPUT>, MESSAGE, InferIn<INPUT>> };

AsfResultFailure is a type that represents an Astro Superforms Action failure result.


type AsfResultRedirect = {
type: "redirect";
status: RedirectStatus;
location: string;

AsfResultRedirect is a type that represents an Astro Superforms Action redirect result.


type AsfResultSuccess<RESULT = unknown, INPUT extends ZodType = ZodType, MESSAGE = any> = {
type: "success";
status: 200;
data: { form: SuperValidated<Infer<INPUT>, MESSAGE, InferIn<INPUT>>; result: RESULT };

AsfResultSuccess is a type that represents an Astro Superforms Action success result.


type AsfResult<RESULT = unknown, INPUT extends ZodType = ZodType, MESSAGE = any> =
| AsfResultError
| AsfResultFailure<INPUT, MESSAGE>
| AsfResultRedirect
| AsfResultSuccess<RESULT, INPUT, MESSAGE>;

AsfResult is a type that represents an Astro Superforms Action result (success, failure, redirect or error).


type AsfSafeResult<RESULT = unknown, INPUT extends ZodType = ZodType, MESSAGE = any> = SafeResult<any, AsfResult<RESULT, INPUT, MESSAGE>>;

AsfSafeResult is a type that represents an Astro Action safe result of an Astro Superforms Action result.


type AsfActionHandler<RESULT = unknown, INPUT extends ZodType = ZodType, MESSAGE = any, FAILURE extends AnyData = undefined> = (
input: z.infer<INPUT>,
context: Omit<ActionAPIContext, "redirect"> & { form: SuperValidated<Infer<INPUT>, MESSAGE, InferIn<INPUT>>; redirect: typeof redirect },
) => MaybePromise<RESULT | FailReturn<FAILURE> | RedirectReturn>;